De volledige tekst van vele van de onderstaande referenties is beschikbaar door erop te klikken:
– International Bar Association, IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration, Adopted by a resolution of the IBA Council, 29 May 2010, source:, internet publication [full text available].
– International Bar Association, Règles de l’IBA sur l’administration de la preuve dans l’arbitrage international, Adoptées par résolution du Conseil de l’IBA du 29 mai 2010, internet publication [full text available].
– Miles, W. & Schwarz, F., “Taking of Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration”, internet publication [full text available].
– Rau, A., Evidence and Discovery in American Arbitration: The Problem of Third Parties, Research Paper No. 153, University of Texas, 2006, 57 p.,
– Salomon, C. & Von Mehren, G., “Submitting Evidence in an International Arbitration : The Common Lawyer’s Guide », Journal of International Arbitration, 2003, 285-295.
– Turner, W., “A brief overview of the use of evidence in arbitration”, 2010, internet publication [full text available].